The Immune System in the Gut
The immune system is the body’s line of defense in keeping your child healthy. And a large part of that system is in the gut.
The immune system is the body’s line of defence in keeping your child healthy. And a large part of that system is in the gut. The gut is the largest immune organ and 80% of the antibody producing cells are located in the gut. That’s why it’s important to support your growing child’s gastrointestinal system.
The food consumed by your child often carries various types of germs. The body’s immune system in the gut removes germs that could be potentially harmful to the body. Saliva in the mouth is the first part of this defence system. It contains enzymes that can kill the bad bacteria. Surviving bacteria that follow the food down into the stomach are killed by gastric acid. The Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) then works to protect the body from invasion through the cells of the immune system, which specifically target harmful germs and bacteria.
The gastrointestinal tract is also home to good bacteria, or probiotics that play a role in maintaining a healthy gut and healthy body. The probiotics help boost the growth of other good bacteria to suppress the growth of germs and bad bacteria. If the gut isn’t kept healthy, your child may be susceptible to certain diseases.
Your child’s gut health can be boosted with the addition of probiotics in the daily diet. They are usually found in some foods such as yogurt and formulated milk powder for children which is supplemented with probiotics such as LACTOGROW Aktif. It is a specially formulated milk powder for children aged 1 to 3 years old, plus the goodness of L. reuteri probiotics to reduce the risk of constipation, for tummy comfort, and for a happy child! With 0% sucrose added, it contains an optimum combination of 15 vitamins & minerals that meets the nutritional needs of your child.
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