C-sections: What you need to consider
C-sections: What you need to consider
How you bring your junior into the world is a very personal decision, with different factors at play. Here are a few things to consider about an elective caesarean, also known as a C-section.
- Ask your healthcare provider if a caesarean is right for you.
- Consider a C-section if you’re expecting multiple children (twins, triplets).
- Consider that the post-birth recovery is longer, usually around six weeks.
- Talk to other moms who have had a C-section. Experience can often be different to what you expect.
- You may be advised to have a planned c-section in case of breech birth, problems with the placenta, or severe pre-eclampsia.
- Discuss the pros and cons of a C-section with your midwife or doctor.
- Be prepared to stay in hospital for up to 3-5 days afterwards.
- Remember, you won’t be able to drive for up to six weeks after a C-section but speak to your insurance company first to confirm.
- Consider the risk of possible complications if you’re having the procedure for non-medical reasons.
- Ask about your options for C-section pain medication and anesthesia.
- Ask about “gentle C-section” options, where parents are able to incorporate some of the more natural aspects of childbirth, such as immediate skin-to-skin contact.
- Read our C-section recovery checklist for things to think about after the op.
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