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5 Ways To Reduce Your Child’s Chances Of Having Allergies


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Eat a variety of foods

1. Eat a variety of foods

You don’t need to avoid any specific foods because you’re worried about passing on allergies. In fact, the latest scientific evidence has shown that the reverse is true. Children born to non-allergic moms who ate more fish, or whole peanuts, and tree nuts, had fewer allergic symptoms during their early years than children born to moms who didn’t eat these foods.

Stay away from smoke

2. Stay away from smoke

Smoking during pregnancy increases the chances of your child having allergies, including asthma. Thankfully, many moms-to-be are motivated to quit smoking during this time. If you need help, talk to your healthcare provider. Stay away from smoky environments and second-hand smoke, too.

Mode of delivery

3. Mode of delivery

There are research shown on mode of delivery way of factors found would affect the risk of allergy when there is a delay of exposure to natural beneficial bacteria in the birth canal. Along with many important immune factors, breast milk contains “beneficial” bacteria that can help boost your child’s immune system. This is especially important for babies who are born by caesarean section because they missed these “beneficial” bacteria in the birth canal. There are studies showed that this is why a child born by C-section tend to have a greater risk of some types of allergy. If you have a C-section, breastfeed your little one as soon as possible after birth.

Breast milk is the best

4. Breast milk is the best

You may have heard that exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months has health benefits for your little one. Did you know that scientists also recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first months to reduce the chances of cow’s milk allergy, eczema, and wheezing during the toddler years?

Along with many important immune factors, breast milk contains beneficial bacteria that can help boost your child’s immune system. This is especially important for little ones born by caesarean section because they miss out on these beneficial bacteria in the birth canal. Studies have shown that this is why babies born by C-section tend to have a greater risk of some types of allergy. If you have a C-section, breastfeed your baby as soon as possible after birth. Talk to your healthcare provider about exclusive breastfeeding


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