5 Best Foods to Eat Away Pregnancy Blues
If you’re pregnant, you’ve probably had someone warned you against eating fish. Yes, fish may be contaminated, but they are also loaded with omega-3, fatty acid such as DHA, protein, collagen, and other vitamins and minerals for your little one’s development. So, what’s the real dish on fish? The trick is to know which fish is best for pregnancy and which should be avoided.

Seafood to Savour
According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA), pregnant and breastfeeding women should eat two to three servings of low mercury fish per week.
Consume 1 serving of fish daily, alternating between fresh water and marine fish. (Malaysia Dietary Guidance 2010).

The vast majority of fish you find at the store or at restaurants are considered safe. But here’s the top six seafood you should eat1:
- Wild salmon
- Sardine
- Farmed Oysters
- Farmed Mussels
- Farmed Rainbow Trout
- Shrimp
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, they help promote foetal brain and nervous system development, lowering the risk of preeclampsia, low birth weight and preterm birth. Mothers who eat foods with omega-3s are also less likely to suffer postpartum depression.

Seven Fish to Shun
Certain fish, particularly large predators at the top of the food chain, are high in mercury and should be avoided. They include:
- Shark
- King mackerel
- Marlin
- Orange roughy
- Swordfish
- Tilefish (Gulf of Mexico)
- Bigeye Tuna
Mercury is damaging to the developing brain, and the negative impact of it can cancel out the brain-boosting powers of fish oil. Like omega-3, mercury can pass to babies through breast milk, so take note of these seven and banish them from your plates, moms!

For a well-rounded nutritional balance, consume two glasses of Mom & Me® a day. With BIFIDUS BL (2 types of probiotics) 20 vitamins and minerals including folic acid, iron, calcium, protein, and DHA, you'll get all the right nutrients to feed your child's growth and development.