A Balanced Diet for Your Child
Your child’s nutritional needs should be varied in a balanced baby diet that provides energy and support your child’s rapid growth.
Your child’s nutritional needs should be varied in a balanced diet that provides energy and support your child’s rapid growth. As your child begins to be more active around the house, they will need more energy and nutrient intake from their first solid foods to support their daily activities.
For carbohydrates that will provide your child energy, you can introduce food such as bread, rice, potatoes, porridge and other starchy foods. You can also serve infant cereal, which is made to suit your child’s digestion needs. Another food group that you should consider in your child’s diet is the fruit and vegetables group. They are nutrient-densed foods which contains various vitamins and minerals that are important to support your child’s overall health and growth. This includes iron, zinc and a host of vitamins.
The next in a balanced diet for your child is the dairy group, made of food items such as milk, and yogurt. These food items are the important sources of calcium for your child. As for protein, you will find it in food such as meat, fish, eggs and nuts.
Sufficient intakes of key nutrients such as iron are important to support optimum growth and development. Without it, your child may be at risk of iron deficiency anaemia. Iron are commonly available in red meat as well as vegetables such as spinach, as well as fortified infant cereal.
CERELAC Infant Cereal provides important nutrients and vitamins such as iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. The Multi Grain & Garden Vegetables variant is especially suitable for toddlers 12 months and above as part of a balanced diet. It contains actual pieces of vegetables as well as whole grain, for a delicious option in your child’s diet.
CERELAC Infant Cereal contain at least 50% of your child’s daily required iron values*. While your child’s overall diet should contain different food groups, you can explore new tastes and textures from recipes of solid foods in your child’s normal diet. For example, try mixing your child’s infant cereal with fruits, or add in some fish or chicken for a little flavour. Remember, a varied diet at this stage will lead to a more accepting taste palate in the future. For more delicious and nutritious meals for your child, visit our Recipes section.
*1 serving of CERELAC Infant Cereal as per preparation instruction.
NCCFN (2017). Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysia. Ministry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya
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